What Birthline Means to Me:
A recommendation from a family member brought me to Birthline of Jackson. I was in a tough financial situation, but more than anything I wanted education related to parenting. When I found out that I could earn essentials for my baby, while I learned, I was ecstatic. I had been worried sick that I wouldn’t be able to afford things like a crib and a high chair. Knowing that I will be able to provide better for my daughter because of Birthline has made me sleep easier at night. I can not believe that so many people donate the items they do, out of the goodness of their hearts. I can’t wait until my daughter outgrows some of the items I have for her, and I can donate them to help other mothers as much as Birthline has helped me. My life has become less stressful knowing that Birthline could take some financial burden off of me, and I am confident that with the skills I learn I can be an excellent parent. To me, Birthline is like a family member or a close friend here to take some of the weight off my shoulders.
Thank you again,
Note: Sabra earned a brand new crib for her baby and has time to earn the mattress and other essentials before the baby is born. In the meantime, she is learning many important parenting skills.